Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The DO-NOTS DID NOT - Leviticus 18

Chapter 18 of Leviticus is one of the chapters that contains lots of "DO-NOT" lists. This particular chapter is regarding sexual relations and should certainly be labeled "readers discretion strongly advised". Whew! Racy stuff!

The list makes for an interesting read, but it isn't what grabbed my focus. For me Leviticus 18:5 jumped out of the page and caught my attention.

Keep my decrees and laws, for the man who obeys them will live by them. I am the LORD.

New Living Translation
"If you obey my decrees and my regulations, you will find life through them. I am the Lord."

@w's paraphrase
"Keep my commandments because the result of your obedience will generate faith"

This says to me that obedience to God's law actually causes something to happen. Something much deeper and something life altering happens to you. As yo u continue to obey, whether you understand or not, you will begin "to live by" the law.

We all live by a compass that directs our behavior. Some call this compass a moral code. Some call it our value system. This code/system is developed in us from many sources, such as society, parental upbringing, environment, experiences etc. Human behaviour generally flows out of this code/system. When behavior does not flow from this source, we feel guilt, remorse, frustration...conviction.

Now what verse number 5 tells us is that our code/system can actually be altered to be more in tune with God and his ways. This is done via obedience.

Simple. Just obey. OK, I'll grant you that obedience is not simple and obviously the system of laws, the DO-NOTS DID NOT work out so well. However, I believe the simple truth of v. 5 is a universal spiritual law. Because of Jesus our we are no longer condemned for our lack of obedience, but this doesn't mean we get a pass on living any old way we want. God's ways are still the best way.

This means that if I live in obedience and continue to strive to obey, a transformation happens to my heart and mind such that I begin to actually live out of a new way of thinking. My code is re-written. The Anita program is replaced with God's program.

How does this apply to my life? Well let's say I am having a problem with fear guiding my behavior. Instead of just sitting in the corner in fear and never venturing out in obedience. I can listen to God's command "Do not be afraid, for I am with you". I can Do something and still be afraid. The point is that I do it. Eventually the fear is replaced with perfect love. The code of my fear is re-written.

Wow! This has many, many more applications for me to noodle on. v 5 is truly a treasure.

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