Sunday, August 23, 2015

2- Discovering Names of God in Psalm 23 by Anita Wilson

The Names of God in Psalm 23

With the exception of Jehovah RA-AH (The LORD is my shepherd) the Jehovah titles are not in the original language of the Psalm rather inferred from the context.  This is a good way to practice applying the names and titles of God to everyday life.

A.  Jehovah- RA.AH The LORD is my Shepherd   
Psalm 23:1
This is the first time we see this particular title of God in scripture.  It is expressed by David in one of the most used pieces of scripture used in times of comfort.

Many people know Psalm 23, even if they do not know any other verse of the Bible.  It brings great comfort now, and I'm sure it has for thousands of years.  The title of the Shepherd given by David in this hymn evokes an imagery that speaks to our souls.  As you will see as we continue, each title attached to God's name was given to him out of an incredible, life altering experience from YHWHs' interaction with mankind.  Just as understanding the great history of these interactions help us understand more about God.  Understanding these interactions can help us to see how God interacts with man.  We will observe these interactions and see if they can be supplanted within Psalm 23.  By doing so, it is my hope that we can learn how develop the names of God within the experiences within our own journey.

B.Jehovah-Jireh The LORD will see or provide.
Genesis 22:14
When Abraham was sacrificing his son Isaac.  Just as God would one day offer his only son, a part of his very being, He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  As radical as the request so was Abraham's obedience!  Isaac was on the alter.  On the fire wood.  Bound in ropes when a ram appeared in a thicket.  I'm not sure I can even describe the feeling Abraham had when God, YHWH, provided that sacrifice, but it was out of that emotion, out of that uniquely incredulous experience, that he named the alter marking the place.Jehovah Jireh.  The LORD who provides.  

C.Jehovah-Shalom The LORD of peace
Judges 6:24
Here we meet Gideon. He is hiding while thrashing freshly harvested wheat.  Just an ordinary man, doing an ordinary thing but under difficult circumstances.  Israel was surrounded by Midianites and they were terrorising Israel by killing raids, and stealing their harvest.  This is why Gideon was hiding.  An angel of the LORD visited him and told Gideon that he had been chosen to lead a counter strike against the Midianites and wipe them out from the land. God also told Gideon to "Go within the strength you have:.."  Take that first step of faith Gideon.  Gideon felt inadequate for the task and before he was obedient he needed a sign.  So Gideon brought an offering of meat and unleavened bread to an alter as a sacrifice.  When he touched the alter with the end of a stick it flared up in fire and the offering was consumed.  Then Gideon realized that he was indeed speaking to the Angel of the Lord. He named the alter.  Jehovah-Shalom. The LORD who gives peace?

Q. Why do suppose he used this name when it meant that he would be going off into battle? Why not The LORD of Victory In Battle,  The LORD who Wins. The LORD who #KicksMidianitesButts

D. Jehovah-Rophea The LORD that heals you. .  
Exodus 15:26 
This scene is from the period of time the Israelites were wandering in the desert.  Finally, some very thirsty wanderers came upon a water source.  However, the water was bitter, undrinkable.  Panic set in.  The began to worry about disease and even death.  On this side of history most people look at the complaining of the wandering years and look down on them as such a group of nothing but ungrateful, complainers. Remember this was no small group of people. Numbers 1:46 states that there were 603,550 men on foot 20yrs old and up.  This number does not account for women, children, or men who are lame or bedridden. Add livestock... Add to that, the food required to feed them, medical, supplies, shelter... Logistically it would be like moving the residents of Columbus inside 270. , That many people had gone without water, finally the find a water source and it is useless! They saw the plagues of Egypt first hand. They truly feared God might strike them with starvation, illness, etc.  But  God intervened for them.  Moses touched a stone  near the water source and it transformed the bitter water into healthy water.  Then God spoke to Moses and promised that He would not give His people the same illnesses that were inflicted on the Egyptians.  Moses made a monument to remember this day, an amazing, emotional, miraculous day, Moses named the monument Jehovah-Rophea [Roffa]

E. Jehovah-Tsidkenu The LORD our righteousness
Jeremiah 23:6, 33:16
This a prophecy given  by Jeremiah of the coming of Jesus.  When he mentions " The Righteous Branch of David" he is referring to the lineage of David.  Jesus' physical ancestry can be traced back to David.  It is through Jesus and only through him that we are able to be righteous before God. Jeremiah had a glimpse of this hundreds of years before it happened and prophesied the coming of The LORD our righteousness.

F.Jehovah-Shammah The LORD is there
Ezekiel 48:35
In this chapter and even previous chapters, Ezekiel is describing a vision he had of heaven.  It is extremely detailed.  Out of his human understanding he is recording this dream, and dividing the great city up into the 12 tribes of Israel.  What I find incredible is that there s a sizeable portion that he sets aside for foreigners (gentiles) who are willing to be obedient to God and follow God's ways. He ends the chapter with the name of the city which is one of the most comforting, hope filled titles of God for me personally, The LORD is there, 

G.Jehovah-Nissi The LORD is my banner
Exodus 17:15
In this chapter of Exodus we find the very first mention of Joshua in the Bible.  Moses assigns him the task of defeating the Amelikites.  Joshua goes to battle, but so does Moses.  During this fight Moses stands overlooking the battle scene and raises his arms.  As long as Moses keeps his arms raised Joshua would win, but if he tired and lowered his arms the Amelikites would gain the advantage.  When Israel won Moses built an alter to commemorate the victory the altar was The LORD is my banner.  In each battle where foot soldiers fought a flag, or banner was carried that represented who you were fighting for.  This battle is the Lord's.  You can wear the same banner.  The LORD is my banner.

H.Jehovah-Mekaddeshem (M’Kaddesh) The LORD who sanctifies you.
Exodus 31:13, Leviticus 20:8, 22:32
This title is different from the others.  This is one that YHWH uses himself when giving Moses the law.  God speaks to Moses and tells him that HE is the one who sets us apart, HE is the one who is making us Holy HE is the one who sanctifies, HE IS The LORD who sanctifies you.

Q. For Discussion:  Look at each of the laws being given to Moses above and discuss why God chose these particular ones to emphasize sanctification.

Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd (Jehovah- RA.AH),I lack nothing. (Jehovah-Jireh)

    He (Jehovah-Shalom)makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,

    He (Jehovah-Rophea) refreshes my soul.

He (Jehovah-Tsidkinu) guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley
    for you(Jehovah-Shammah ) are with me;
I will fear no evil,
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
You (Jehovah-Nissi) prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.

You (
Jehovah-Mekaddeshem) anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (Jehovah)

Anita Wilson

Sunday, August 16, 2015

1- Introducing YHWH by Anita Wilson

The Names of God

I. Introduction – How names were different in ancient Hebrew culture than modern US culture

Q.  Write down the top baby names of the decade you were born?

Names in our culture shift according to what is popular and most people want to name their children something that is on trend but slightly unique.  Unless you are a Celebrity then you might get some very strange names.  Like Moon Unit Zappa or North West.

What are some strange Celebrity names you have heard?

While our parents put some thought and sentiment into selecting our names, it doesn't compare to what the ancient Hebrews of the Old Testament did.  A child’s name was selected based on the parent’s hopes and dreams for the child and they weren't names at all, but phrases.  Benjamin = Son of my right hand. 

Often a person's name would be changed if they either accomplished something grand or did something heinous in their life.  Their new name was a reflection of that person’s identity from that point forward.   For example, there is a male character in Genesis named Nimrod.  His name means rebellious one and yet to this day, thousands of years later his name is used as an insult.  He doesn't really deserve it poor guy, but the power of a name to people living in ancient times held that much weight that even today we associate the characteristics.

In our culture we mainly just say God, or Jesus.  But because of the need for Hebrews to associate attributes and characteristics just one name was not enough.  So they called God many things.  Tonight we will talk about a few that refer to WHO He is.  The following 5 studies you will see how by adding WHO he is to WHAT he does for us creates a new name for God. (There are 10 in Psalm 23 alone)  It provides us with a beautiful facet of seeing God in a new way.

II. Purpose of studying the name of God

It was in this way that God tries to reveal as much of himself as he can to mankind.  He wants to be known for his true name’s sake.  We were created in his image.   As we learn about each name of God we learn how we as human beings are created to be a reflection of our creator.  That is our ultimate goal.   

Also through this study of the names of God we are invited to know the nature of God, understand the character of God and access the power of God.  God’s principles are innate to who he is.  But human beings must learn them because God’s ways are so important to us.

Q. How do you think knowing more about the names of God will help you, know the nature of God, understand the character of God, and access the power of God?

III. First name in Genesis 1  Elohim and Logos

We first see the first name of God in Genesis 1.  God   Translated in Hebrew as Elohim.  This name of God is unique to Hebrew.  No other word exists like it in any other Semitic language.  It means God the creator or God the judge.  This name is a name for WHO God is.  Again it is regularly annotated with WHAT God does to provide a deeper meaning.  Such as El Shaddai  which is My God Who Abundantly Supplies.  Elohim is repeated several times over and over throughout chapter 1. 

John the Apostle, wants us to fully understand another dimension to the name of God when he writes the very first verse of his gospel.  John  1:1  The Word (written in Greek Logos) is God.  John is saying that Jesus is God.  Jesus is Elohim.  Jesus spoke the world into existence.  Logos is Elohim.

God’s voice brought the world into existence.  He doesn't expect his creation to be silent.  In fact his creation cries out to him day and night.  From man who is created in his image he wishes us to fill the earth with our voice.  When we activate our voice through faith IN THE NAME of Christ there is power there.  John 14:12-14 

IV. Tetragrammaton

Go back to Genesis.  Scan through Chapter 1 and 2:3then scan starting at chapter 2:4 through the remainder of chapter 2.  What do you notice about the name of God?  

This is the first time you see in ancient scripture the Tetragrammaton – YHWH.  Tetragrammaton is a greek word which means four letters. The Tetragrammaton itself is the transliteration of the four Hebrew letters, yod, heh, vav, heh – YHVH. The name of God Jehovah.  This surprised me because it is many years before the name is uttered to Moses in the story of man. Yet Moses, who is believed to have authored Genesis chose to begin using this name here at the very beginning of God’s direct interaction.

Let’s look at how Moses learned this name of God.

Exodus 3:14
God simply says “I am who I am”  “I am that I am”

Who, that center word is a verb activity.  “ I will be what I will be” would be an accurate word for word translation

The name Moses was given became to be pronounced Jehovah.  To this day no one knows how it is actually pronounced. Not allowed to ever say it.  Once a year by priest in holy of holies.  Actual vowels are gone from history.  The tetragrammaton appears over 6,800 times in scripture.  Every time you see the word LORD in all capitals that is the translation into English.

Q.  Let’s make a list of the things you think this statement means.
  • The fact he exists changes everything
  • He exists outside of time
  • He is complete within himself
  • Who was and is and is to come

Jehovah or Yahweh is a new name of God
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of El Shaddai, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.     Exodus 6:3

V. Of all the names of God we study it leads to one name that will be on the lips of every person and that is the name of Jesus.
 (Christ Jesus) Who, being in the form of God,
        thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
        But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him
        the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
        And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself,
        and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 
        Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him,
        and given Him a Name which is above every Name:
        That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow,
        of things in heaven, and things in earth,
        and things under the earth;
        And that every tongue should confess
        that Jesus Christ is Lord,
        to the glory of God the Father.
        Philippians 2:6-11

Anita Wilson