Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Leviticus 16 - General Observations

Leviticus 16 is full of treasure. One day I need to go back and give it more consideration and thought. So I listed the following observations to noodle on.

There are multiple instructions regarding bathing. Bathing is to teach cleanliness and to act as a metaphor for cleanliness of the soul, or holiness - just as God is holy. It is easy to see how baptism evolved from these ancient rituals.

Aaron needed to get his sins atoned for first before performing duties for the people. v 17 shows Aaron making atonement for himself first, then his household and then the nation. It is important for leaders to be right before the Lord. You do not need to be perfect. Obviously perfection isn't required since there is sin in the life of the High Priest which needed to be dealt with. However, the leader sets the example, not by being perfect but by knowing where to turn with his sin.

The scapegoat provides numerous lessons:

1. The one goat takes the sin and the other the guilt.
2. Between the two goats the full picture of atonement is seen.
3. The scapegoat "carried all the sins to a solitary place" Just as Jesus took our sin to the cross.
4. The goat keeps its life but it is tainted with sin. It makes me wonder if the goat ever accidentally wandered back into the camp? What did they do if that happened?
5 The goat is so tainted with sin that the handler releasing it into the wilderness had to go through a cleansing ritual. The treatment of the goat is reminiscent of how we try to prevent an infectious disease.
6. Because the other goat is sacrificed the scapegoat keeps its life, even though it is a life tainted with sin. The result of which requires it to live separate from the others.
7. Even when we are forgiven we tend to cling to guilty reminders, pulling our attention from God and focusing on self. But there is no need..."the goat has left the building" (Rob Bell quote)

The amount of time it took for the high priest to prepare must have been hours.

The list of instructions came to Moses after the death of Aaron's 2 sons for not following rules with the right reverence. I would imagine all the priests involved would have been sure to follow these instructions to the jot and tittle.

I find the use of incense interesting. I like that it engages the sense of smell. Our memories are attached to smell.

The annual atonement covered ALL sin. v16 "whatever their sins have been" v 21 "all their sins". Regardless of the sin, Atonement is complete. There is no sin above the power of God.

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