The Names of God
I. Introduction – How names were different in ancient Hebrew culture than modern US culture
Q. Write down the top baby names of the decade you were born?
Names in our culture shift according to what is popular and most people want to name their children something that is on trend but slightly unique. Unless you are a Celebrity then you might get some very strange names. Like Moon Unit Zappa or North West.
What are some strange Celebrity names you have heard?
While our parents put some thought and sentiment into selecting our names, it doesn't compare to what the ancient Hebrews of the Old Testament did. A child’s name was selected based on the parent’s hopes and dreams for the child and they weren't names at all, but phrases. Benjamin = Son of my right hand.
Often a person's name would be changed if they either accomplished something grand or did something heinous in their life. Their new name was a reflection of that person’s identity from that point forward. For example, there is a male character in Genesis named Nimrod. His name means rebellious one and yet to this day, thousands of years later his name is used as an insult. He doesn't really deserve it poor guy, but the power of a name to people living in ancient times held that much weight that even today we associate the characteristics.
In our culture we mainly just say God, or Jesus. But because of the need for Hebrews to associate attributes and characteristics just one name was not enough. So they called God many things. Tonight we will talk about a few that refer to WHO He is. The following 5 studies you will see how by adding WHO he is to WHAT he does for us creates a new name for God. (There are 10 in Psalm 23 alone) It provides us with a beautiful facet of seeing God in a new way.
II. Purpose of studying the name of God
It was in this way that God tries to reveal as much of himself as he can to mankind. He wants to be known for his true name’s sake. We were created in his image. As we learn about each name of God we learn how we as human beings are created to be a reflection of our creator. That is our ultimate goal.
Also through this study of the names of God we are invited to know the nature of God, understand the character of God and access the power of God. God’s principles are innate to who he is. But human beings must learn them because God’s ways are so important to us.
Q. How do you think knowing more about the names of God will help you, know the nature of God, understand the character of God, and access the power of God?
III. First name in Genesis 1 Elohim and Logos
We first see the first name of God in Genesis 1. God Translated in Hebrew as Elohim. This name of God is unique to Hebrew. No other word exists like it in any other Semitic language. It means God the creator or God the judge. This name is a name for WHO God is. Again it is regularly annotated with WHAT God does to provide a deeper meaning. Such as El Shaddai which is My God Who Abundantly Supplies. Elohim is repeated several times over and over throughout chapter 1.
John the Apostle, wants us to fully understand another dimension to the name of God when he writes the very first verse of his gospel. John 1:1 The Word (written in Greek Logos) is God. John is saying that Jesus is God. Jesus is Elohim. Jesus spoke the world into existence. Logos is Elohim.
God’s voice brought the world into existence. He doesn't expect his creation to be silent. In fact his creation cries out to him day and night. From man who is created in his image he wishes us to fill the earth with our voice. When we activate our voice through faith IN THE NAME of Christ there is power there. John 14:12-14
IV. Tetragrammaton
Go back to Genesis. Scan through Chapter 1 and 2:3then scan starting at chapter 2:4 through the remainder of chapter 2. What do you notice about the name of God?
This is the first time you see in ancient scripture the Tetragrammaton – YHWH. Tetragrammaton is a greek word which means four letters. The Tetragrammaton itself is the transliteration of the four Hebrew letters, yod, heh, vav, heh – YHVH. The name of God Jehovah. This surprised me because it is many years before the name is uttered to Moses in the story of man. Yet Moses, who is believed to have authored Genesis chose to begin using this name here at the very beginning of God’s direct interaction.
Let’s look at how Moses learned this name of God.
Exodus 3:14
God simply says “I am who I am” “I am that I am”
Who, that center word is a verb activity. “ I will be what I will be” would be an accurate word for word translation.
The name Moses was given became to be pronounced Jehovah. To this day no one knows how it is actually pronounced. Not allowed to ever say it. Once a year by priest in holy of holies. Actual vowels are gone from history. The tetragrammaton appears over 6,800 times in scripture. Every time you see the word LORD in all capitals that is the translation into English.
Q. Let’s make a list of the things you think this statement means.
The fact he exists changes everything
He exists outside of time
He is complete within himself
Who was and is and is to come
Jehovah or Yahweh is a new name of God
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of El Shaddai, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. Exodus 6:3
V. Of all the names of God we study it leads to one name that will be on the lips of every person and that is the name of Jesus.
(Christ Jesus) Who, being in the form of God,
thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him
the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself,
and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him,
and given Him a Name which is above every Name:
That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow,
of things in heaven, and things in earth,
and things under the earth;
And that every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:6-11
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