(originally published in 2011)
How do you feel about someone "fishing for compliments"? I dare say most of us humans go on this fishing trip many times in our lives. I know I'm guilty of loading up the tackle box with the best lures and bait. I also fish in familiar waters, like family and close friends, where a catch is pretty much a sure thing. Yet even though I take these fishing trips, I am ashamed to admit I disliked it when someone went fishing for compliments with me. I simply didn't take the bait; especially if it is someone who is so insecure they do it all the time. This summer I was greatly convicted in my soul about this attitude. God has shown me that it is an area where I lack grace toward others.
I have someone in my life, Mr. X, who is so deeply insecure that he goes fishing all the time. His tackle box is filled with many lures and bait at his disposal. Perhaps you have some of the same tactics in your tackle box. I know I do.
"Fishing For Compliments" Tackle Box:
1. Prayer request2. Ask for constructive criticism
3. Self-Pity
4. Self deprecation
Mr X is someone I love very much and he is the most talented, educated man I know. I'm not sure why I didn't take the bait so often in our relationship. As if withholding a compliment, or offering encouragement or missing an opportunity to edify would somehow teach Mr. X an untaught lesson.
Why did I withhold something so simple and free? If you love someone who is insecure, shouldn't you do your best, in word and deed, to make them feel more secure. The Holy Spirit gripped me with that thought and I am repenting. This summer, I vowed to start taking the bait whenever Mr X went fishing with me. And sometimes even giving Mr. X encouraging words even if he weren't on a fishing trip.
In just a few months our relationship has transformed. It wasn't a bad relationship to begin with, but we have grown much closer. One time over breakfast, Mr X wasn't even fishing but I told him how truly amazing he is and tears welled up in his eyes. This is a man I have never seen cry. From now on if Mr. X, or someone else, is "Fishing For A Compliment" I'm going to take the bait. ...hook...line...and sinker!
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