If a seed doesn't fall into the ground and die it cannot live again into a giant tree that produces fruit. This is where I record my death so that I may hold my ground and live to the fullest. Through chronic illness affecting my balance system I've learned balance is much more than a physical issue. Life and Death is a daily choice and not an eternal destination.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Take The Bait
(originally published in 2011)
How do you feel about someone "fishing for compliments"? I dare say most of us humans go on this fishing trip many times in our lives. I know I'm guilty of loading up the tackle box with the best lures and bait. I also fish in familiar waters, like family and close friends, where a catch is pretty much a sure thing. Yet even though I take these fishing trips, I am ashamed to admit I disliked it when someone went fishing for compliments with me. I simply didn't take the bait; especially if it is someone who is so insecure they do it all the time. This summer I was greatly convicted in my soul about this attitude. God has shown me that it is an area where I lack grace toward others.
I Balanced It ALL
“I balanced all, brought all to mind, the years to come seemed waste of breath, a waste of breath the years behind, in balance with this life, this death.” – William Butler Yeats
This quote is so depressing. Yeats was looking at all of his life trying to weigh it in the balance, every year of the past to every year of the future and he saw no balance was achieved and his life seemed such a waste.
Perhaps pondering whether the years of a whole life are in balance is a preposterous thing to do but don’t we often wonder whether or not our whole life is in balance.
Balancing it all is impossible.
Balancing it all is impossible. I said it again just in case you missed it. Even if you are trying to balance only all the activities in a day, this cannot be done to a soul’s satisfaction only to a soul’s empty want. That is what caused Yeat’s consternation. The sum of days, turned to the sum of years and all that was done before and left to be done could not be balanced. This is because balance isn’t about external happenings or activities, Too many times we confuse balance with a balancing act, like juggling.
Balance is a state of being.
Balance is symmetry, poise, and equity.
Balance is the epicenter of opposing forces.
Balance is not an act.
Balance is an art. And living a life in balance is an art form to which I am just a novice.
Perfect Balance
The Perfect Balance
I wrote the following prayer while in the hospital on July 25, 2012. The group leader’s lecture was on Yin Yang and how most people mistakenly believe that the darkness represents bad attributes, but there are no moral good or bad associated to the philosophy. He taught that there is balance in the tension. This meant to me that without darkness, light cannot shine. As my thoughts allowed the love of God to drip into my soul, I owned this philosophy within the paradigm of my own faith, and this prayer sprang forth.Where there is darkness – Lord shed your light.
Where the light is too bright – Lord give me the shade of your peace.
Where I am hard and stubborn- Lord soften my stony heart.
Where I am hard and stubborn- Lord soften my stony heart.
Where I am too soft, yielding too easy – Lord, make me courageous through your strength.
Where my world becomes so big it spins out of control – Lord let me find comfort in your ways.
Where my world becomes so big it spins out of control – Lord let me find comfort in your ways.
Where my life feels so small, I am confined and trapped in my own existence -Lord, remind me that you are
and within that EXPANSE
Healthy Thinking
Healthy Thinking
Ever since Norman Vincent Peale wrote The Power Of P
ositive Thinking most of society began to understand more about the power of our thoughts to affect not just our emotional state and health but also our success, realization of goals and who knows, maybe even world peace. Thanks to Mr. Peale, other authors and science we know for certain that HOW we think really does matter. After all our emotions, health, success, goals…and world peace are important things. For myself “positive thinking” sounds so cliche and so 1990’s. Instead I’ve been working on “Healthy Thinking”.
The difference is that trying to think positively or find a morsel of the positive to think about when the law of nature is that life is going to beat you up, a lot, is unrealistic. It is normal and healthy to have negative thoughts, to feel sad, angry, frustrated and helpless when the circumstances are there to cause those feelings and thoughts. However, you can develop some habits of Healthy Thinking that gives you some balance in your life. Healthy Thinking means that you can look at the whole situation –positive, negative, neutral — and come to a conclusion that makes sense rather than cause greater anxiety. It allows you to look at your life in a balanced way.
To develop Healthy Thinking is a three pronged approach. First, address your self-image. Second, develop a greater sense of gratitude. Third, decrease anxiety by recognizing “thinking traps” and tools to deal with them.
This little blog post could turn into a book so I’ll just let you know the habits I incorporate for myself and perhaps give you some things to ponder for yourself.
Self Image
What are 3 things that you love about yourself? If you can think of more than 3 then awesome! If you think of more than 10, Self Image probably isn’t an issue for you. If you are having a hard time thinking of 3 make it simple, perhaps the color of your hair or your smile. Those 3 things are your affirmations. Every morning, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself 3 times I love you because _________. and fill in the blank with an affirmation.
The next thing is to start to recognize if you treat yourself as well as you treat other people. How many offenses have others done that you think nothing of but you will mentally beat yourself up over the very same thing? How harshly do you judge yourself versus how you judge others? When you find yourself in self-flagellation mode because you forgot to send that Thank You note ask yourself if your friend or relative forgot to send you one, would you forgive them. Then for heaven sake, forgive yourself.
I used to just think having an “attitude of gratitude” was making sure when I prayed and journal-ed I listed the things I was thankful for. Then I started to realize that it really had to do more with balance (as usual in my life). If there were a scale and on one side were all the things I were grateful for and on the other side were all the things I were frustrated with, complained about, etc. which side of the scale would tip heavier. That’s when I realized that I needed to balance that scale. So I’ve been working on that. Otherwise, my thoughts are not on gratitude, my thoughts are on the things on the other side of that scale. That’s not Healthy Thinking at all.
One of the largest causes of anxiety are what therapists call thinking traps. My 2 biggest thinking traps are: 1. LABELING – Thinking or saying negative things about myself that I would not say or think about others. The habit of daily affirmations really help with this one. So does not isolating myself. Being around my friends and family. They affirm me just with a smile and hug sometimes. 2. SHOULD STATEMENT – Telling yourself how you should or must act. I should be able to xxxxxxx. It’s an expectation that I put on myself, usually unrealistic but also, just as insidious, untimely. So when I’m thinking this way, I ask myself why should I be doing that? I’m still working on this one too.
A chronic illness can zap you from every angle and striving after Healthy Thinking is one of the best medicines in my medicine cabinet. The Bible says we can take our thoughts captive. It also says that through Christ we have the power to renew our minds. That is powerful, healing, and can bring world peace.
The difference is that trying to think positively or find a morsel of the positive to think about when the law of nature is that life is going to beat you up, a lot, is unrealistic. It is normal and healthy to have negative thoughts, to feel sad, angry, frustrated and helpless when the circumstances are there to cause those feelings and thoughts. However, you can develop some habits of Healthy Thinking that gives you some balance in your life. Healthy Thinking means that you can look at the whole situation –positive, negative, neutral — and come to a conclusion that makes sense rather than cause greater anxiety. It allows you to look at your life in a balanced way.
To develop Healthy Thinking is a three pronged approach. First, address your self-image. Second, develop a greater sense of gratitude. Third, decrease anxiety by recognizing “thinking traps” and tools to deal with them.
This little blog post could turn into a book so I’ll just let you know the habits I incorporate for myself and perhaps give you some things to ponder for yourself.
Self Image
What are 3 things that you love about yourself? If you can think of more than 3 then awesome! If you think of more than 10, Self Image probably isn’t an issue for you. If you are having a hard time thinking of 3 make it simple, perhaps the color of your hair or your smile. Those 3 things are your affirmations. Every morning, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself 3 times I love you because _________. and fill in the blank with an affirmation.
The next thing is to start to recognize if you treat yourself as well as you treat other people. How many offenses have others done that you think nothing of but you will mentally beat yourself up over the very same thing? How harshly do you judge yourself versus how you judge others? When you find yourself in self-flagellation mode because you forgot to send that Thank You note ask yourself if your friend or relative forgot to send you one, would you forgive them. Then for heaven sake, forgive yourself.
I used to just think having an “attitude of gratitude” was making sure when I prayed and journal-ed I listed the things I was thankful for. Then I started to realize that it really had to do more with balance (as usual in my life). If there were a scale and on one side were all the things I were grateful for and on the other side were all the things I were frustrated with, complained about, etc. which side of the scale would tip heavier. That’s when I realized that I needed to balance that scale. So I’ve been working on that. Otherwise, my thoughts are not on gratitude, my thoughts are on the things on the other side of that scale. That’s not Healthy Thinking at all.
One of the largest causes of anxiety are what therapists call thinking traps. My 2 biggest thinking traps are: 1. LABELING – Thinking or saying negative things about myself that I would not say or think about others. The habit of daily affirmations really help with this one. So does not isolating myself. Being around my friends and family. They affirm me just with a smile and hug sometimes. 2. SHOULD STATEMENT – Telling yourself how you should or must act. I should be able to xxxxxxx. It’s an expectation that I put on myself, usually unrealistic but also, just as insidious, untimely. So when I’m thinking this way, I ask myself why should I be doing that? I’m still working on this one too.
A chronic illness can zap you from every angle and striving after Healthy Thinking is one of the best medicines in my medicine cabinet. The Bible says we can take our thoughts captive. It also says that through Christ we have the power to renew our minds. That is powerful, healing, and can bring world peace.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
1- Introducing YHWH
The Names of God
I. Introduction – How names were different in ancient Hebrew culture than modern US culture
Q. Write down the top baby names of the decade you were born?
Names in our culture shift according to what is popular and most people want to name their children something that is on trend but slightly unique. Unless you are a Celebrity then you might get some very strange names. Like Moon Unit Zappa or North West.
2-The Names of GOD in Psalm 23
You will need your Bible. I did not type the verses out.
3-Jehovah Nissi The Lord Is My Banner
A survey of Exodus 17:8-16
Open your Bible to Exodus 17
Esau and Jacob were twins. Their story is told in Genesis. Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of bean soup. As a result they separated paths. Jacob later became the founding father of Israel. His name was changed to Israel. Each of his 12 sons became the father of a tribe of all the Jewish nation we know now. Jacob and Esau later reconciled but the Amalek must not have shared in his grandfather’s feelings. His nomadic tribe made their living off of raiding settlements and commentaries say they killed for pleasure. When the Israelites became a target, they remained in Amalek’s sites and in Exodus 17:8-16 the Amalekites will be in a battle that changes history.
v. 8 Amalek was the _Grandson of _Esau_ which made the Amalekites natural blood enemies.
Esau and Jacob were twins. Their story is told in Genesis. Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of bean soup. As a result they separated paths. Jacob later became the founding father of Israel. His name was changed to Israel. Each of his 12 sons became the father of a tribe of all the Jewish nation we know now. Jacob and Esau later reconciled but the Amalek must not have shared in his grandfather’s feelings. His nomadic tribe made their living off of raiding settlements and commentaries say they killed for pleasure. When the Israelites became a target, they remained in Amalek’s sites and in Exodus 17:8-16 the Amalekites will be in a battle that changes history.
4-Jehovah Shalom
As with each of the names, or titles of God, Jehovah Shalom was ascribed by a human being who had an amazing, life altering experience with the creator. The name of the man who ascribed "Shalom" to Jehovah was Gideon. Most understand that "Shalom" means peace, but in actuality it has a much deeper meaning than just that one word can hold.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Numbers From A Sky View
Wah! Wah! Wah! Complain, Complain, Complain.... This is all the Israelites seemed to be doing on their trek to freedom to a "promised land". Yet with this enticing destination in mind they automatically began complaining about EVERYTHING. Complaints are not necessarily bad, in and of themselves. If an egregious situation occurs complaining through the proper chancels can bring positive results.
Soul Winter
Soul Winter
originally posted in 2007
originally posted in 2007
A gray sky looming, overshadowing
Grass with a futile existence sitting brown - useless
Spent crops taking up space
Dried up vegetation waiting - ineffective
Fruitless trees swaying with barren dismal branches
Reaching out for hope
Looming, overshadowing, futile existence
Spent yet taking up space
Dried up, sitting and waiting - ineffective
Fruitless, swaying and dismal
Reaching out for hope
It's a snow day. The kids and I are home enjoying the warmth of each other and our home.
One Frustrated Nut
originally posted in 2007
I've been battling Meniere's Disease for about 7 years. I thought it had the best of me last year, but a surgery performed in June took care of the rotational vertigo and I've been able to function again.
However, beginning in January of this year I've had attack after attack.
I've been battling Meniere's Disease for about 7 years. I thought it had the best of me last year, but a surgery performed in June took care of the rotational vertigo and I've been able to function again.
However, beginning in January of this year I've had attack after attack.
The Swirl
A wide vortex to take you a long for the ride.
You get sucked in and at first it's just a nice little spin
But the swirl gets tighter
closing in
you're stuck
there's no escape
tighter and tighter the vortex squeezes you
where is it leading
it gets smaller and smaller as it continues to spiral
spiraling smaller and smaller to infinitesimal nothingness
spiral out of control
no control of life
no fun
no point
no thing
The Oak Tree
The Oak Tree
original post 2007
A Message Of Encouragement From My Daughter-in-Law
A mighty wind blew night and day
It stole the oak tree's leaves away,
Scattered Musings Of A Restless Mind
originally published in 2008
Any fellow insomnia sufferer will tell you what keeps them awake is not being able to turn off your thoughts. Just for kicks, I'm recording here my "Scattered Musings Of A Restless Mind" with hope it will help me sleep.
Any fellow insomnia sufferer will tell you what keeps them awake is not being able to turn off your thoughts. Just for kicks, I'm recording here my "Scattered Musings Of A Restless Mind" with hope it will help me sleep.
Father's Day June 2011
Proverbs 4 - Father's Instruction
Prov 4:1 (niv) Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction;pay attention and gain understanding.
This chapter in Proverbs has grabbed my heart. Because of a non-terminal (Praises) disease I am disabled from working and many other important things in my life. This is a big deal for me, probably a bigger deal than it should be! (I am human, therefore the need to fuel ego.) Though I try to tell my self that I am "humble", I have somehow distorted that into a false definition; i.e. "The more I can achieve, the better I am."
This Year I Resolve Not To Resolve
Each year, as has been my habit, I find a meditative space,to reflect on the past year and strive to make greater Kingdom impact in the next 12 months. However, this year, I just couldn't do it!
I had to ask myself was I slothful, greedy, lustful, mean-spirited, covetous, or in anyway a generalized slob in need of a time of regret and mustering within myself the ability to change these morose behaviors. TRUTH! I am 100%-full blown-human-being.
I had to ask myself was I slothful, greedy, lustful, mean-spirited, covetous, or in anyway a generalized slob in need of a time of regret and mustering within myself the ability to change these morose behaviors. TRUTH! I am 100%-full blown-human-being.
The DO-NOTS DID NOT - Leviticus 18
Chapter 18 of Leviticus is one of the chapters that contains lots of "DO-NOT" lists. This particular chapter is regarding sexual relations and should certainly be labeled "readers discretion strongly advised". Whew! Racy stuff!
The list makes for an interesting read, but it isn't what grabbed my focus. For me Leviticus 18:5 jumped out of the page and caught my attention.
The list makes for an interesting read, but it isn't what grabbed my focus. For me Leviticus 18:5 jumped out of the page and caught my attention.
The Life Is In The Blood And Face To Face Questions
Leviticus 17:11b It is the blood that makes atonement of one's life
Leviticus 17:14a because the life of every creature is its blood
When I ask myself the question, "Why did Jesus have to die?" or "Why did Jesus have to suffer such a gruesome death?" the above versus give the answer. The blood that ripples through us with each heartbeat carries our very life, our very existence. The blood brings life and sustains life.
Leviticus 17:14a because the life of every creature is its blood
When I ask myself the question, "Why did Jesus have to die?" or "Why did Jesus have to suffer such a gruesome death?" the above versus give the answer. The blood that ripples through us with each heartbeat carries our very life, our very existence. The blood brings life and sustains life.
Leviticus 16 - General Observations
Leviticus 16 is full of treasure. One day I need to go back and give it more consideration and thought. So I listed the following observations to noodle on.
Leviticus 16 is full of treasure. One day I need to go back and give it more consideration and thought. So I listed the following observations to noodle on.
Atonement - Leviticus 16
In this chapter of Leviticus the Jews were introduced to the instructions for Atonement. Later in history this day became known as the "Day of Atonement" or Yom Kippur. It is still celebrated today. This chapter lays out for us the very beginnings of this great day. For the Jew this day is still practiced and is still necessary because they do not believe their Messiah has come. For Christians, Jesus has fulfilled the requirements of this day and its practice is no longer required. Atonement is complete in Jesus.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Among Them - Leviticus 15
You can just imagine my excitement when looking at the heading of Leviticus 15, “Discharges Causing Uncleanness”. Wow! I just couldn’t wait to read all about it. Ew! As in typical Levitical style there are no punches pulled or words couched in flowery language regarding such a sensitive subject. The law is laid out matter-of-fact with definitions of the various bodily fluids, the time of uncleanness and typical instructions for rectifying this state. Also, as is typical, the law is very practical and just plain common sense.
I Saw God In Mildew And Boils - Leviticus 14
There is a rhythm to this chapter. There is a cleansing ritual, followed by a guilt offering, followed by anointing. I’m not sure if this rhythm will be repeated in the rest of Leviticus, but it is obviously fixed in chapter 14. I believe I am seeing three separate ministries of God at work here. In fact, I dare to say I see three separate persons of God at hand. The cleansing ritual is indicative of the Father. The guilt offering reminds me of the atonement work of Christ. The anointing with oil represents the power and comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Pure And Clean - Leviticus 14
Psalm 51:7
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
A new type of sacrifice is introduced in this chapter.
More Than Skin Deep - Leviticus 13
There are many practical guidelines for skin diseases and mold/mildew in Leviticus 13 that ensured both the individual's health and the health of the community. If a person had a sore on their head they had to shave their head. This makes sense if the sore was from lice. Someone with an infectious disease was isolated from the community; thus instituting a quarantine protecting the community from disease. If there is mold or mildew found in clothing the clothing is either destroyed or the mold cut out to prevent further contamination. Leviticus 13 is filled with practical guidelines for the care of skin and clothing.
What's interesting to me in this chapter is the role of the Priest. The Priest had to act as the doctor.
8 Verses And A Lifetime Of Lessons - Leviticus 12
Leviticus 12 is a very short chapter with 8 little verses all pertaining to the “ceremonial” uncleanliness of a woman after childbirth. So I figured this will be a quick blog update. WRONG! It’s taken me so long to update my blog on this chapter because the more I began to meditate and noodle, it became more and more intriguing and now I have so much to say about these 8 verses, this posting is quite long...so to the few of you who read my nutty, acorny, thoughts, Thank You in advance for hanging in until the end.
Ready For Worship - Leviticus 11
The instructions for the people given in chapter 11 of Leviticus are all regarding what they can and cannot eat. If they were to touch certain carcasses then they would be ceremonial unclean and unable to worship in the temple until the proper cleansing rituals. This is just yet another lesson to these people of the holiness of God.
Leviticus 11:44 I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy because I am holy.
I've read or heard somewhere that some of the guidelines for what was considered clean to eat and what was considered unclean had health benefits to the nation and prevented disease. I don't know how true that is. But what is obvious, is that God wanted his people to be unique amongst all the nations surrounding them. He wanted them set apart, consecrated and holy.
Leviticus 11:44 I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy because I am holy.
I've read or heard somewhere that some of the guidelines for what was considered clean to eat and what was considered unclean had health benefits to the nation and prevented disease. I don't know how true that is. But what is obvious, is that God wanted his people to be unique amongst all the nations surrounding them. He wanted them set apart, consecrated and holy.
Four Sons Of Aaron And One Holy God - Leviticus 10
As I stated in my previous posting, the picture of God I see in Leviticus 10 is difficult for me to reconcile to my understanding of my gracious and loving Father. But I think a helpful thing is for me to remember that there truly is only ONE WAY to God. On this side of the cross it is through Jesus, but in the legalistic era of Leviticus the way to God was through rituals and commands handed down by God, himself, to Moses.
One Way - Leviticus 10
Leviticus 10:10
You must distinguish between the holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean.
You must distinguish between the holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean.
If there is a key verse for the book of Leviticus the above verse would be it. In fact, if there were a key verse for Christian living, this verse would be a good candidate.
The Glory Of The Lord - Leviticus 9
Leviticus 9:6 Then Moses said, "This is what the LORD has commanded you to do, so that the glory of the LORD may appear to you."
Leviticus 9:24 Fire, came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell face down.
This section of scripture is interesting to me. The chapter explains the ritual sacrifices that followed the priests' ordination ceremony. It was out of obedience in the ritual that resulted in God's glory being revealed to the people in such a powerful way. The people were used to God's glory being in fire. His presence was with them as a pillar of fire at night. But this fire was different. A whole new system was being established where the people could get closer to God.
Ordination - You Are Acceptable Leviticus 8
As a pastor’s kid I was able to witness my dad’s ordination ceremony. It was sort of like a graduation type thing where the church leaders of the denomination declared him as suitable and validated his call by God. It was nice, we had cake. "Hey now", I was little. The Levitical priests ordination was radically different. They surely didn't have cake!
Leviticus 8 gives you a glimpse of a completely different ordination ceremony. Moses says to Aaron that you and all your sons are now special people called priests and you will be the only ones suitable to talk to God. You are responsible for making sure that the sins of the nation are atoned for. You have to slaughter animals, drain blood, burn fat, and wave animal parts around in the air. You have to eat portions what the people give you, because if you don’t eat it all, well then the people’s offering is in vain and not acceptable. This is your job from now on. But don’t worry; you’ll get paid in grain and livestock. Oh, and so the people will know that this is now your responsibility we’re going to have this big ordination ceremony. You’ll get to wear really cool clothes. We’ll slaughter a bull, a ram, a lamb and eat some flat bread with no yeast. There’s just this one part of the ceremony where I’m going to put blood on your right ear lobe, your right thumb, your right big toe and sprinkle blood on your clothes, but I’m sure you won’t mind. Then you have to go to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting for seven days and eat all this stuff we burned. If you leave before the seven days or don’t eat it all,...well...you’ll die. It’s what the Lord told me to do with you and your family, so I’m sure there’s no problem. Sound good? Aren’t you excited! Great, let’s do it!
Pure - Leviticus 7
I really hate the lighting in the restrooms at work. The bright, white fluorescence shows every little wrinkle, age spot, freckle and blemish on my face. The brighter the light, the more is revealed. The same is true with God. The brightness of his holiness illuminates my blemished, all too human heart.
Keep The Flame Burning
Leviticus 6:13 "The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out"
Exodus 29:42-43 "For the genertions to come this burnt offering is to be made regularly at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting before the LORD. There I will meet you and speak to you; ...and the place will be consecrated by my glory"
Set my heart on fire.
Consume my shame.
Burn away the fear.
Ignite the passion that loiters within.
Meet me.
Speak to me.
Make me holy by the blaze of your glory
And keep the flame burning.
Grain Offerings...Shhh Don't Tell Anyone Leviticus 6
The offerings were voluntary, costly and given "in memoriam" -- It almost makes me wish when I go to God I could give him something as a "Thank You" as I remember his goodness. I know I give him praise, my heart, etc. but the idea of a tangible thing being brought as a thank you gift is appealing to me.
The Cost Of Sin - Leviticus 1
I've been walking through the book of Leviticus. People much smarter than me have studied the pages of this book, but I'm purposely just going through it on my own. ...just me and the Holy Spirit.
The first chapter has floored me. This chapter is about sin offerings. The sacrifices mentioned are voluntary, burnt offerings given for the forgiveness of sin. As I read, I'm gripped by the cost of sin. I tried to imagine what it would be like to take a valued animal from my herd, kill it, skin it, cut it apart and watch it burn. It would be a gory, bloody, sad process.
The first chapter has floored me. This chapter is about sin offerings. The sacrifices mentioned are voluntary, burnt offerings given for the forgiveness of sin. As I read, I'm gripped by the cost of sin. I tried to imagine what it would be like to take a valued animal from my herd, kill it, skin it, cut it apart and watch it burn. It would be a gory, bloody, sad process.
A Sacrifice Story
Think of this...I announce to my family I'm going to temple and I go through the herd and select the prize bull. It's obvious to them now that I have sinned, in a big way, and my restoration to God is going to cost the entire family and perhaps even the next generation. I don't have to do this. The burnt offering is a voluntary offering. So I need to convince the family that my sin has caused a great enough separation between myself and God that the cost to the family is warranted and necessary.
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